
Showing posts from May, 2021


MENTORING DAY 19/30 TOPIC: THAT GREAT DAY TEXT: Joel 2:1; Blow ye the trumpet in Zion, and sound an alarm in my Holy Mountain: let all the inhabitants of the land tremble: for the day of the LORD cometh, for it is nigh at hand Great is the Lord and excellent is His name in all the earth. We thank God for the privilege to study His Word again and to learn. I pray that the Almighty will reveal the Word to us by His Spirit, and strengthen us to meditate on and obey the Word.  We are here reminding ourselves of the return of the Lord Jesus Christ. I hope we all believe that Christ is coming back, this was even told the disciples on the day of ascension by the angels of God, that the same Jesus will come back in the same manner as they have seen Him go to Heaven. There are more and more scriptures that the Lord is coming again. Even Jesus said so Himself in John 14:3 ; And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again , and receive you unto myself ; that where I am, there ye may be


  MENTORING DAY 18/30 TOPIC: WALKING CIRCUMSPECTLY BEFORE GOD TEXT: Ephesians 5:15; See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise. As we proceed in our study, we acknowledge the wisdom and power of the Holy Spirit and we thank God for teaching us and helping us. Without wavering, our hope and aim is that we become like Christ daily and we represent Him as we ought to truthfully in love and in Power. By Virtue of this study, I pray that the Holy Spirit teaches us to walk as we ought to and endow us with graces to follow aptly. Amen. Walking circumspectly means to walk carefully, accurately and purposefully. We are admonished from our text and as well today that we walk circumspectly as wise and not as fools. One way to walk carefully and accurately is redeeming time by making use of opportunities.  If we live purposefully and God-centered, then we will make use of those opportunities that He brings our way, knowing that only in so doing can we recover and be at great ad


  MENTORING DAY 17/30 TOPIC: THE WONDERS OF THE BLOOD TEXTS: Ephesians 1:7, Ephesians 2:13, Revelations 12:11. Our God is great and greatly to be praised. We bless God for His immeasurable gift and grace. I'm so happy and I know so you are.  In the study of the Wonders of the precious Blood of Jesus, I pray that God reveals to our soul and imprint on the eyes of our understanding the true mystery of the power in the Blood. Amen. Ephesians 1:17;  In whom we have redemption through His Blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace.   Alleluia!. In one of the wonders of the Blood of Jesus is the redemption and forgiveness of sins, which by grace we have been made partakers. We have been privileged by grace and the love of God to be washed away from our sins by the blood of Jesus Christ who gave Himself for us. No one ever gets saved or reconciled with God without washing away by this precious blood. Ephesians 2:13; But now in Christ Jesus, ye who sometimes were


  MENTORING DAY 16/30 TOPIC: PEACE; THE NATURE OF CHILDREN OF GOD TEXT: Hebrews 12:14; Follow peace with all men, and Holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord. It's a blessed morning and there is One who has given us the privilege of this day, The Almighty. So with grateful hearts, we thank you Father for this and all you do in our lives. I strongly believe that if you have been following with all sincerity and desire to be more like Jesus, the Holy Spirit is continually working on you and shaping you. We bless the Holy Spirit and we acknowledge that without Him we are nothing and can be nothing. I worship you Spirit of God. Today, we'll talk briefly about how following peace with all men should be our lifestyle. I pray that the Holy Spirit illuminates us and brood on the Word in us. Amen.  As new creatures, our default nature is the nature of Christ, filled with the fruits of the Spirit, among which is peace. Our Father is the God of peace as seen in various texts in


  MENTORING DAY 15/30 TOPIC: IN HIS LOVE TEXT: John 15:9; As the Father hath loved me, so have I loved you: continue ye in my love. It should be our daily heart devotion to give glory to God, and bless His Holy name. In gratitude for all He has done, all He is doing and what He'll do; we say Thank you LORD!. Yes truly, the Lord has brought us far and by His Spirit, He's working endlessly that our lives have that perfect form, fit into that divine pattern. We trust the Holy Spirit to bless our hearts in His immeasurable Love. Pay close attentions to all lines. Yesterday we considered the first part of the series IN HIS LOVE, we're studying another aspect of the series which is: CONTINUING IN HIS LOVE. Jesus said in John 15:10a; " If ye abide in my commandments, ye shall abide in my love....." in vs12 Jesus said " This is my commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you. Abiding and continuing in His Love both goes together, because; He gave a comm


MENTORING DAY 14/30 TOPIC: IN HIS LOVE TEXT: John 14:21; He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me; and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to Him. We truly and sincerely bless God Almighty for this grace and mercy He has bestowed upon us, we're forever grateful to Him only who makes us to triumph. Amen. Before I go on, I'll like to tell you that In His Love is going to be a series, so get ready and not miss the following ones. Today, by His sure mercies we'll consider ABIDING IN HIS LOVE.  Oh the Love of God, and that true Love for Him will be shed in our hearts by the most precious Holy Spirit. It's a blessing to humanity that the Spirit of the Living God dwells with us. We might or must have wondered in the course of our relationship with or coming to Christ, that how can we truly Love God?, O yes, Glory to God. It's a good thing if that has always been your desire, and if you


  MENTORING DAY 13/30 TOPIC: JOY IN THE HOLY GHOST TEXT: Romans 14:17, For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost. Let every thing that has breath praise the Lord. Glory to Elohim and praises be to His name forever. What a wonderful gift from God to be alive today, Alleluia. Amen. Briefly, we'll be taking a look on the subject; Joy in the Holy Ghost.  I believe the Lord wants to encourage us and do more than even what we think, so we pray that the Almighty One have His way in Jesus name. Amen. We trust the Holy Ghost to enlighten us, and direct us in the right path. Joy is a fruit of the Spirit, one of the glorious nature of the Father. Yes, this fruit ought to be manifest in our daily lives by the power of the Holy Spirit because the old nature has been taken away, and this new nature put in us is the nature of the Most Holy God. And we know that bitterness isn't God's nature. Alleluia. From our text, the kingdom o


  MENTORING DAY 12/30 TOPIC: THE THIRST FOR LIFE TEXT: John 7:37; In the last day, that great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried, saying, If any man thirst, let him come unto me, and drink I must say and truly it is so, that the mercies of God endures forever. He is rich in mercies towards us, and so I say all gratitude and glory belongs to Him. I trust that the Holy Spirit in His kindness will enlighten the eyes of our understanding and make us know and do. Please pay attention and give your heart to this.  So many times, we might have been thirsty or desirous of things that do not satisfy, it might be a kind of life or something else. But when we finally get these things, we discover that they do not satisfy. Maybe, it had been programmed in the spirit of man that there should be a thirst in us, That THIRST FOR LIFE, but until we know and do, we would direct our energy the wrong way.  It is our prayer that Christ be formed in us; and that we become a reflection of His glorious n


  MENTORING DAY 11/30 TOPIC: UNDERSTANDING WHO GOD IS TEXT: John 17:3; And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent. Surely, the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of God's Glory. Praises be to the God who lives forever. Amen.  You know, when I got this in my heart to share this wonderful subject with us, I feel this is God calling us not just to seek Him for things, but to seek Him to know and also understand Him. His heart calls out for sons and daughters who will truly seek the Him to know Him and not follow blindly because everyone is following, not just acquiring head-knowledge about Him without knowing him truly or understanding Him . This is a call to Intimacy. Psalms 14:2; The LORD looked down from heaven upon the children of men, to see if there were any that did understand, and seek God . O yes, don't be surprised, He looks down to check if there are truly any, so once He finds you accepting this i


  MENTORING DAY 10/30 TOPIC: THANKSGIVING TEXT: Psalm 100:4; Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise: be thankful unto Him, and bless His name. It's a week full of God's mercy for us in Jesus name. Amen. We bless God for this privilege to study a subject which is a vitality in fellowship or in receiving anything from Him. Glory to God. Amen. I believe that the Holy Spirit will shine forth in His everlasting mercy upon our hearts and will enlighten us for His good will. It is very important we cultivate giving of thanks to God, first for life, for salvation and eternal life, for all that He has done, for all His benefits and goodness towards us.  The Holy Ghost by the mouth of David, revealed to us a great key in accessing the court room of God. He said to enter into God's gate with thanksgiving, an heart of worship, reverence and adoration. No matter how pressed we are to pray, let's train ourselves and culture the habit of giving thanks.


MENTORING DAY 9/30 TOPIC: LIVING AND SHINING AS LIGHTS (II) TEXT: Matthew 5:16; Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in Heaven. Praise God!, It's the Lord's day and we are so glad or aren't you?. Take about a minute to worship the Almighty for the past week, for life and strength and then for His Word to us. His name be praised forevermore, Amen. On our previous series, we considered what our identity is and what it is meant for. Remember us saying WE ARE THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD, and yes, we truly are. The moment you come to Christ, believing on Him, you are translated from the kingdom of darkness into Christ's Kingdom of Light, the residence of all power and dominion. Alleluia. Amen. Knowing and being assured that as we believe on Jesus and follow Him truly and faithfully, we become Light, it is not a duty but a nature to shine. So then how do we shine?. Reflecting the Father's glorious nature to the


MENTORING DAY 8/30 TOPIC: LIVING AND SHINING AS LIGHTS I TEXT: Matthew 5:14; Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid. It's another day to learn the Word of God. A beautiful and bright day is what we see, the day the Lord has made. To the Immortal King and Most Wise one be all our praises and honor. Amen. Alleluia!; This morning we are reminding ourselves of our identity and I pray that a consciousness and enlightenment is set in our heart forever in Jesus name. Amen. Repeat this I AM THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD , say it 3times. Glory to God. Yes, indeed we are the Light of the world. It has always been that darkness has been in the world, the darkness of sin, sinfulness and wickedness. But then the world didn't continue like that, Jesus came , He being the true Light shined to all and oh! before He left, He called all men to follow after Him, so that they may have the Light of Life. Now if you have answered to that call by believing on the Lord Jes


MENTORING DAY 7/30 TOPIC: TOTAL CONSECRATION AND DEVOTION TO GOD TEXT: II Corinthians 7:1; Having therefore these promises, dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting Holiness in the fear of God . By the sure mercies of God, we are proceeding in learning and spiritual knowledge. And I pray the Father in the name of Jesus, that there be a download of the richness of the undeniable truth of the Life of Christ in our soul, and that we may grow in the Faith, abounding more and more and preserved blameless, without spot until the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. Glory to God, Alleluia!. You see my dear friend reading this, it has happened that some people just associate themselves with the name Christians or even profess they are one, but do not Live as though they are one. Listen diligently and hear these words; Christianity is not just a religion, this is practical not social studies!; Christianity is a personal relationship wit


 MENTORING DAY 6/30  TOPIC: DECISION FOR SEPARATION  TEXT: II Corinthians 6:17-18; Wherefore come out from among them  and be ye separate, saith the   Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you. And I will be a Father unto you, and   ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty.   Alleluia. It is the day the Lord has made and we will rejoice and be glad in it. I bless God for your life if you are here as assuredly by the power of God, you'll be a partaker of His goodness. Take about 1 minute to thank God for this Life of His that He has given us, tell Him to impart your life with the grace for total separation from unrighteousness. I decree that the Life and Light from God's Word activates that nature of God in you in Jesus name. Amen. Glory to the Most High!. The text in the preceding series talked about us not joining ourselves to any from of unrighteousness, not becoming inconsistent in our faith. There shouldn't and mustn't be any fo


  MENTORING DAY 5/30  TOPIC: DECISION FOR SEPARATION  TEXT: II Corinthians 5:14; Be ye not unequally yokes together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? It's a great privilege to be alive and willing to hear and receive God's word, if your happy say Glory to God. I believe with the whole of my heart, that the sure unending mercies of the Lord and His immeasurable abundant grace be available for us today and Forevermore. Today we'll take a brief discourse about SEPARATION as it is, the reason and the method. Trust God to breathe on you and by His Spirit minister to your souls and I advice that you yield to Him. Listen and pay close attention. From our scriptural text, its obvious that there are two distinct set of people, either children of LIGHT or children of darkness. By the grace of God, I trust that you have surrendered your life to God and you have the life of God, living unto Him


  MENTORING DAY 4/30 TOPIC: IMPORTANCE OF THE SECRET PLACE 2 TEXT: Psalm 91:1, He that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty Glory to God forever. It's a privilege to be a partaker of His inheritance for us and I'm glad you're here to pick from some treasures by the inspiration of the Holy Ghost. We will be completing this series on the importance of the secret place today, Alleluia!, Amen.  We learnt in the previous series firstly about the secret place which is our place of one-to-one fellowship with the Father should be our dwelling place, with all desire and consistency. We also learnt how the secret place is our place of protection and covering. By the immeasurable help of the Holy Ghost, we'll be learning some few more and we trust that God by His Spirit will fill us with earnest desire for the secret place and special graces for consistency and encounters. Amen. Just like no one can touch something except it is


  MENTORING DAY 3/30  TOPIC: IMPORTANCE OF THE SECRET PLACE TEXT: Psalm 91:1 KJV; He that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. Praises to the Most High for having all things prepared for us for His glory and our good. I know you might have heard this word "secret place" a number of times, and if this is your first time it's alright. You might also wonder if it's somewhere we can fly too, well the answer is NO. Also, looking at the great emphasis that is been placed on this 'so called' secret place, questions might pop up in your hearts like; what is this?, and why is it so emphasized?. Oh, Glory to God in the Highest as I trust Him to enlighten your Spiritual Understanding far beyond these texts, and pour out Graces, stir and Hunger for consistency, dwelling and encounters in your secret place. Amen. The secret place is your place of communion and fellowship with God. This is where you personally meet God


 MENTORING DAY 2/30 TOPIC:  LIVING FOR GOD II TEXT: I Peter 2:25 KJV; For ye were as sheep going astray; but are now returned unto the Shepherd and Bishop of your souls. Alleluia to God for this grace and gift of salvation, the Bible says and we know that we have received this by grace, not of works lest any man should boast. It is so that the first key to walking with God is salvation and being born again. Oh, I so much love this passage,' we were as sheep going astray '..., in time past were not a people but now the people of God, having obtained mercy. God be praised for ever and ever. Amen. Shortly, I trust that we receive that divine charge, grace and help of the Holy Ghost to be illuminated by the Light of the Word and that the end result be transformation and contact of the power of God. Pay close attention and harken diligently. Learning from I Peter 2:2, the Bible says A s new born babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby:   We see that one