TEXT: Ephesians 5:15; See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise.

As we proceed in our study, we acknowledge the wisdom and power of the Holy Spirit and we thank God for teaching us and helping us. Without wavering, our hope and aim is that we become like Christ daily and we represent Him as we ought to truthfully in love and in Power.

By Virtue of this study, I pray that the Holy Spirit teaches us to walk as we ought to and endow us with graces to follow aptly. Amen.

Walking circumspectly means to walk carefully, accurately and purposefully. We are admonished from our text and as well today that we walk circumspectly as wise and not as fools. One way to walk carefully and accurately is redeeming time by making use of opportunities. 

If we live purposefully and God-centered, then we will make use of those opportunities that He brings our way, knowing that only in so doing can we recover and be at great advantage of time. 

The instructions of God are life and are life-determining, these instructions are opportunities, opportunities that cause for time redemption. Making use of them is harkening diligently, taking heed to them and seeing that they be followed promptly, accurately, properly, circumspectly. We ought to walk pure and as listening and obedient Children, in other words circumspectly before the Moth High God. 

I pray that the Holy Ghost broods on the Word of God, establish the perfect interpretation as pertaining to our lives and that He helps us please God in all we do. Amen.
