TEXT: Psalm 91:1, He that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty

Glory to God forever. It's a privilege to be a partaker of His inheritance for us and I'm glad you're here to pick from some treasures by the inspiration of the Holy Ghost. We will be completing this series on the importance of the secret place today, Alleluia!, Amen. 

We learnt in the previous series firstly about the secret place which is our place of one-to-one fellowship with the Father should be our dwelling place, with all desire and consistency. We also learnt how the secret place is our place of protection and covering. By the immeasurable help of the Holy Ghost, we'll be learning some few more and we trust that God by His Spirit will fill us with earnest desire for the secret place and special graces for consistency and encounters. Amen.

Just like no one can touch something except it is brought before him/her, the Holy Spirit cannot work on us, transform or make us the best version of ourselves if we do not come to Him. By coming to the secret place, He works incredibly fast on you, make you more like Jesus and embed you with grace and strength to successfully live an Holy life. You see dearly beloved, some believers might complain that the life of Holiness is hard, some might even say no one is Holy, trying to compel themselves for their wrong state of Life. The reason is this; they have not learn that habit of dwelling in the secret place where spiritual pruning and transformation takes place, usually they do not have a secret place. But I'm glad to tell you that we have an Helper, a Teacher and a Guide. All we need to do is yield and surrender ourselves. 

Hebrews 4:16 says Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need. We see God's Help is available, served as mercy and grace for us, all we need do is come surrendered that we cannot do it on our own and we need Help.

In the secret place, He reveals Himself to us; With desire and diligence, He mercifully helps us to know Him more tangibly and in all realness. His perfect will is also revealed to us by the Holy Spirit.

Lastly, we can make petitions with a strong conviction and expectation for the manifestation of whatever we have asked in His will. Remember a desire doesn't validate an answer, only a petition i.e when we Ask, and we ask in prayer[see Mark 11:34]

Prayer Point: Father, I surrender my all to you, I desire and ask that you teach me the dwelling in your secret place and draw me closer to you in Jesus name. Amen. 

God bless you.   
