TEXT: II Corinthians 7:1; Having therefore these promises, dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting Holiness in the fear of God.

By the sure mercies of God, we are proceeding in learning and spiritual knowledge. And I pray the Father in the name of Jesus, that there be a download of the richness of the undeniable truth of the Life of Christ in our soul, and that we may grow in the Faith, abounding more and more and preserved blameless, without spot until the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. Glory to God, Alleluia!.

You see my dear friend reading this, it has happened that some people just associate themselves with the name Christians or even profess they are one, but do not Live as though they are one. Listen diligently and hear these words; Christianity is not just a religion, this is practical not social studies!; Christianity is a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ and by the Help of the sweetest Holy Spirit. This is getting registered in your soul, Amen. 

This is a call to total consecration to God our Father, not partially for him and partially for the devil, no!!!. It is totally for Him. Was it recorded that both Jesus and devil paid the price for your soul? never!, so why should your life present such blasphemy?. Our text says in the later parts, perfecting Holiness in the fear of God, not trying out the old way but growing in HIM. And let me tell you one 'non-secret, we cannot help ourselves, but Glory to God!, there is help and our ready Helper once you are willing, with all diligence and totality, devoting yourself to Him. 

LIVE ONLY AND SOLELY FOR GOD. Don't meddle with any filthiness whatsoever, remember you have been separated from the world. Once again, if you think you can try on your own strength, you will fail Him than a thousand times. So if one is willing and ready, How then can one be totally consecrated?. Your willingness is a drive, and it should drive you to God, not driven to God reveals your non-willingness, remember the Holy Spirit is actively involved in all processes. When you are with God in the secret place, seek Him for His supernatural strength, ask Him to help you live a life unto HIM, study the Word as often as always, get transformed. He hears you and answers.

 At immediacy and even before you started asking or seeking, strength, grace and much more is bountifully available. Now the ball is in your court, but I'll by the Holy Spirit tell you something. Now that same willingness that drives you to God generates what is called Purpose of heart. So with purpose of heart and intentionality, resting on the backbone of God's strength and ability in you, You shun and flee the sight or appearance of sin in any form; through conversation, thoughts and actions.

I believe the Lord Himself to brood over you and bless your Spirits.

Prayer Point: O God my salvation, I can't on my own live this Life that you have given me, help me and strengthen me daily by your Holy Spirit, uphold me with your right hand as I purposefully also live and cleave unto you, in Jesus name. Amen. 

Meditate on the Word of God and Remain blessed.   
