TEXT: Psalm 91:1 KJV; He that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.

Praises to the Most High for having all things prepared for us for His glory and our good. I know you might have heard this word "secret place" a number of times, and if this is your first time it's alright. You might also wonder if it's somewhere we can fly too, well the answer is NO. Also, looking at the great emphasis that is been placed on this 'so called' secret place, questions might pop up in your hearts like; what is this?, and why is it so emphasized?. Oh, Glory to God in the Highest as I trust Him to enlighten your Spiritual Understanding far beyond these texts, and pour out Graces, stir and Hunger for consistency, dwelling and encounters in your secret place. Amen.

The secret place is your place of communion and fellowship with God. This is where you personally meet God and sort out all things. Well you might want to ask can't I meet God in Church?, look closely I used the word personally. This is the place of your one to one fellowship with God.

There are various importance of the secret place, but there is a greater impact on our lives when we consistently dwell and abide there I'll be sharing some by the special grace and inspiration of the Holy Ghost. You might have heard them but there is a knowing that is coming upon your spirits by the Power of God in Jesus name. Amen.

From our Text, we see that the secret place is our place of safety. The mystery behind this is God. From your dwelling with God, there is the covering of the shadow of the Almighty upon you, so when you step out you're assuredly protected by God, abiding under this Shadow. 

I'll encourage you to get prepared in your spirit as we'll continue and by God's grace end this series tomorrow    

Prayer Point: Father, I seek to dwell with you, please draw me and restore me to the secret place with an outpouring of consistency in Jesus Name, Amen.

God Bless You.
