TEXT: II Corinthians 5:14; Be ye not unequally yokes together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?

It's a great privilege to be alive and willing to hear and receive God's word, if your happy say Glory to God. I believe with the whole of my heart, that the sure unending mercies of the Lord and His immeasurable abundant grace be available for us today and Forevermore.

Today we'll take a brief discourse about SEPARATION as it is, the reason and the method. Trust God to breathe on you and by His Spirit minister to your souls and I advice that you yield to Him. Listen and pay close attention.

From our scriptural text, its obvious that there are two distinct set of people, either children of LIGHT or children of darkness. By the grace of God, I trust that you have surrendered your life to God and you have the life of God, living unto Him and  for His Glory. If you have not done this or you have turned back, know that Jesus Loves you and He is ready to save you no matter how you've lived in time past. If by the conviction of the Holy Spirit, you are willing and ready to take that bold step for Jesus. First, believe that Christ came for this reason and yes He died for our sakes because without the shedding of blood, there is no remission of sins. He paid the price for our salvation and redemption with His precious blood, he was buried and on the third day, God raised Him from the dead, that our faith in Him is not in vain. If  you believe this, then confess it with your mouth. This is the gospel of  Christ and the power of God unto salvation to as many that believe. O Glory to God, you are saved, redeemed and cleansed by the precious blood of the Lamb. Follow through with us on this continual series and get equipped by the Holy Ghost Himself with the Word for you and with graces to live successfully and truthfully in all purity and power for Christ. [If you're in need of counselling and prayers contact: +2349018284057]

I sense this is what the Holy Ghost wants us to do today, please meditate on the scriptural text up to verses 17 as we'll powerfully continue this series tomorrow by the Help of the Holy Ghost. DON'T MISS IT!.

As you lift those holy hands to Heaven, say Jesus, thank you for saving me, thank you for washing away my sins and redeeming my soul, I am willing and I promise to live for you, so dear God; Help me by your Holy Spirit to live perfectly unto You, in Jesus name. Amen. I love you Jesus. 

Oh Glory to God, Alleluia.
