TEXT: Matthew 5:16; Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in Heaven.

Praise God!, It's the Lord's day and we are so glad or aren't you?. Take about a minute to worship the Almighty for the past week, for life and strength and then for His Word to us. His name be praised forevermore, Amen.

On our previous series, we considered what our identity is and what it is meant for. Remember us saying WE ARE THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD, and yes, we truly are. The moment you come to Christ, believing on Him, you are translated from the kingdom of darkness into Christ's Kingdom of Light, the residence of all power and dominion. Alleluia. Amen.

Knowing and being assured that as we believe on Jesus and follow Him truly and faithfully, we become Light, it is not a duty but a nature to shine. So then how do we shine?. Reflecting the Father's glorious nature to the world for all men to see is 'SHINING'. Okay being more practical, anything evil is darkness, right?, of cause yes!. Taking an example of darkness ---- hatred; As children of Light, what do you think can overshadow this darkness?, LOVE. This is the nature of your Father and this is you reflecting this glorious nature. Notice I said nature because it's not something you force or do in pretense, it's a nature----NATURAL. How can one perfectly reflect this nature?. When we turned to the Lord, he took away the adamic nature and gave us His own nature. So it's in us. Glory to God. But don't get too ahead; you cannot manifest this nature that is in you by yourself, in the flesh, never. This is why we PRAY and get aligned in the Spirit with this nature. Love is a fruit of the Spirit, so we can only perfectly manifest Love or any other God nature by alignment in and with the Spirit and activation by the Holy Spirit.   

Jesus, in our text; when He was saying this didn't just say let your light shine, He says "Let your light so shine". He also talked of John that He was a burning and a shining Light. This is for believers who do not want to take up their nature to shine as light. Since we do not force it and its natural, we then should Live as Lights. Wake up in your space and everywhere you find yourself; live a life of light that men will see those natural good works in and through you and Glorify God. This is our call as Lights. ARISE AND SHINE!!!

Prayer Point: O Lord, thank you for this your nature that you have put in me, help me, in that every place I am, I live and shine to Your Glory, in Jesus name. Amen.
