TEXT: Matthew 5:14; Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid.

It's another day to learn the Word of God. A beautiful and bright day is what we see, the day the Lord has made. To the Immortal King and Most Wise one be all our praises and honor. Amen.

Alleluia!; This morning we are reminding ourselves of our identity and I pray that a consciousness and enlightenment is set in our heart forever in Jesus name. Amen. Repeat this I AM THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD, say it 3times. Glory to God. Yes, indeed we are the Light of the world.

It has always been that darkness has been in the world, the darkness of sin, sinfulness and wickedness. But then the world didn't continue like that, Jesus came, He being the true Light shined to all and oh! before He left, He called all men to follow after Him, so that they may have the Light of Life.

Now if you have answered to that call by believing on the Lord Jesus, you have now also been made the Light of the world. So wherever you find yourself, remember that your Identity is LIGHT. We have been made Children of Light. If so be it that we are the Light of the world, we should know that apart from the fact that there is now a difference between you and the world, you have to shine. Isaiah 60:1 says Arise, shine; for thy light come, and the glory of the LORD is risen upon thee. 

Jesus said the same in verses 17 of our text. He said "Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is Heaven. 

After sensitizing our Spirits and making awareness in our soul about the fact that we are the Light of the world, made by Christ Jesus; and that we ought to shine. I feel we should pray and finish the series tomorrow. 

Prayer Point: Lord Jesus, I know you are the true giver of Light, I want to shine for you, so I plead that my life receive capacity to shine and I am helped by the Holy Spirit. Amen.  
