TEXT: Psalm 100:4; Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise: be thankful unto Him, and bless His name.

It's a week full of God's mercy for us in Jesus name. Amen. We bless God for this privilege to study a subject which is a vitality in fellowship or in receiving anything from Him. Glory to God. Amen.

I believe that the Holy Spirit will shine forth in His everlasting mercy upon our hearts and will enlighten us for His good will. It is very important we cultivate giving of thanks to God, first for life, for salvation and eternal life, for all that He has done, for all His benefits and goodness towards us. 

The Holy Ghost by the mouth of David, revealed to us a great key in accessing the court room of God. He said to enter into God's gate with thanksgiving, an heart of worship, reverence and adoration. No matter how pressed we are to pray, let's train ourselves and culture the habit of giving thanks.

Yes, you might want to ask How, I'll say yield yourself to the Holy Spirit and let Him teach you how; John 4:24 says "God is a Spirit: and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth". Don't just do it like "kashadupe": truthfully and in spirit is the way. Think about His goodness, His mercy that endures forever and from the depths of your heart bless His holy name. We also should worship God for who He is; He's the Almighty, the Omnipotent, Jehovah- Jireh, the I AM. He's just so wonderful that no matter the amount of time we spend worshipping, He still deserves more. We can intentionally and by the Help of the Holy Spirit study God's Word to know who He is and His mighty acts. 

But here's possibly a 'non-secret' I discovered; that God likes songs. Although and obviously there are other ways to worship, praise, and give thanks to God; dancing, playing instruments, making good melodies in your heart, tithing, so many. Once again I'll say study the Word by the Spirit. 

There are numerous benefits of Worshipping God. He fights our battles even while we yet worship, miracles take place, I'll say He is moved to move on our behalf.  Yes, He responds when we worship in the right way; in spirit and in truth, but let's also in Love worship Him sincerely for who He is and His wonderful works. Let the Holy Spirit guide you and also surrender and yield to Him.

Prayer Point: In few minutes, bless God for all He continues to do in and for you, worship Him and say Thank you God, Lastly, ask for mercy and plead that the Holy Spirit gives you a ready and inclined heart to worship God at all times. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.

God bless.


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