TEXT: John 7:37; In the last day, that great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried, saying, If any man thirst, let him come unto me, and drink

I must say and truly it is so, that the mercies of God endures forever. He is rich in mercies towards us, and so I say all gratitude and glory belongs to Him.

I trust that the Holy Spirit in His kindness will enlighten the eyes of our understanding and make us know and do. Please pay attention and give your heart to this. 

So many times, we might have been thirsty or desirous of things that do not satisfy, it might be a kind of life or something else. But when we finally get these things, we discover that they do not satisfy. Maybe, it had been programmed in the spirit of man that there should be a thirst in us, That THIRST FOR LIFE, but until we know and do, we would direct our energy the wrong way. 

It is our prayer that Christ be formed in us; and that we become a reflection of His glorious nature of Holiness, Purity, Love and many others. But I want to tell you; if you just sit there and falsely hope, doing nothing, the goal wouldn't be achieved. Jesus said in Matthew 5:6; "Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled". We see the word 'do' used in the text; it means a continuality in the thirst, this continuality shows your earnest desire, willingness and seriousness to drink.

Alleluia, but Jesus knew there should and will be a thirst for things of the Spirit, which are LIFE, so what He was saying is that; when you thirst don't sit, that thirst and desire is a drive, let it drive you to Jesus Christ to the end that you may drink.


So my dear brother and sister, I know that you came to Jesus when you gave your life to Christ, but to live this Life that has been given to you, you have to be thirsty and you need to come to Him who freely gives that living water. Know that the Holy Spirit is your helper, always ask the Holy Spirit to quicken you and help you as you PRAY AND STUDY THE WORD OF GOD!.

Prayer Point: Thank you Jesus for the provision to fill us, have mercy on us and strengthen us by your Spirit as we become intentional on seeking you, in Jesus name. Amen.


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