TEXT: John 15:9; As the Father hath loved me, so have I loved you: continue ye in my love.

It should be our daily heart devotion to give glory to God, and bless His Holy name. In gratitude for all He has done, all He is doing and what He'll do; we say Thank you LORD!.

Yes truly, the Lord has brought us far and by His Spirit, He's working endlessly that our lives have that perfect form, fit into that divine pattern. We trust the Holy Spirit to bless our hearts in His immeasurable Love. Pay close attentions to all lines.

Yesterday we considered the first part of the series IN HIS LOVE, we're studying another aspect of the series which is: CONTINUING IN HIS LOVE. Jesus said in John 15:10a; "If ye abide in my commandments, ye shall abide in my love....." in vs12 Jesus said "This is my commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you. Abiding and continuing in His Love both goes together, because; He gave a commandment to continue in His love, so by obeying this commandment and others we abide in His love. 

Continuing in God's love can only be possible if the fruit of the Spirit of Love is in you. If not you'll keep trying and find out you're not in His radar. You might wonder how you can truly love people?, this is letting the Holy Spirit help you in manifesting that nature to the World. Basically, if you Love your neighbor, you'll do no evil to them, not cheat them, not covet their properties or belongings etc. We can continue in Christ's Love by sharing His glorious gospel to the world, being a tool for the fulfillment of His heart desire that all souls be saved. This is the greatest love you can present to anyone. 

As you study the Word of God by the Help of the Holy Spirit, as revealed by Him, you'll find out more and more about how you can be that blessed soul that manifests God's nature of Love. We are not and are never the final bus stop, you get charged back to God. So do well to study your Bible and Pray consistently releasing yourself to the Help of God.

 God is Love, He that loveth not; knoweth not God.

Prayer Point: O Lord, I want to Love you and continue in your Love, help me and teach me by your Holy spirit as I yield myself to you in Jesus name. Amen.

God bless.
