TEXT: I Peter 2:25 KJV; For ye were as sheep going astray; but are now returned unto the Shepherd and Bishop of your souls.

Alleluia to God for this grace and gift of salvation, the Bible says and we know that we have received this by grace, not of works lest any man should boast. It is so that the first key to walking with God is salvation and being born again. Oh, I so much love this passage,' we were as sheep going astray'..., in time past were not a people but now the people of God, having obtained mercy. God be praised for ever and ever. Amen.

Shortly, I trust that we receive that divine charge, grace and help of the Holy Ghost to be illuminated by the Light of the Word and that the end result be transformation and contact of the power of God. Pay close attention and harken diligently. Learning from I Peter 2:2, the Bible says As new born babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby:  We see that one of the key to spiritual growth and transformation is the sincere desire and devotion to the Word of God. Paul in Acts 20:32 says "And now brethren, I commend you to God and to the word of His grace, which is able to build you up"...... , This charge is for you to personally know the importance and receive the grace of first being intentional by your commitment to God and His Word, so he can form in you the divine nature of Jesus Christ that enables you to without stress or trying live for God. 

Gods command is that we be Holy even as He is Holy. Until this nature of Holiness is daily formed in us by yielding to the Spirit of God, we can't live for God or please Him. It is the work of the Holy Ghost to transform us to look like Christ in our thought, conversation and deeds. All in all is that YOU give yourself intentionally and diligently to God, then You can gladly by the Spirit live for HIM. 

Prayer Charge: Father, I am willing to live for you, as you give me this grace to abide in you and with you, perform your glorious work of transformation in my life. All for your Glory Father. 

God bless you.
