

MENTORING DAY 27/30 TOPIC: GODLINESS WITH CONTENTMENT TEXT: I Timothy 6:6; But godliness with contentment is great gain.    Glory to God for the gift and privilege of today, I pray that the wisdom to maximally make us of our time on earth is given to us. Amen.    The light that comes from the ministry of the Holy Spirit shines on our heart and our understanding is enlightened in Jesus name. Amen.     Godliness as literally as it is, refers to the manifestation of the nature of God in a believer. The fruits of the Spirit in such a believer, is a proof of godliness. Every believer must remain godly, living uprightly and revealing Christ in the manifestation of the nature of God. A Holy, righteous and blameless believer is this type we're talking about.    Contentment is remaining happy and satisfied with whatever resource owned or position one is. Now, Godliness with contentment is staying happy and satisfied with whatever one owns and still living the Godly life. The Bible calls thi


 MENTORING DAY 26/30   TOPIC: AMBASSADORS FOR CHRIST  TEXT: 2 Corinthians 5:20; Now then we are ambassadors for Christ; as though God did beseech you by us: we pray you in Christ's stead, be ye reconciled to God.   Praises to God Almighty who alone is now and forever worthy to be praised. Amen.   I pray that the Holy Ghost works on us and broods on our heart to the end that we are transformed and become useful tools in His hands for His glory. Amen.   Being ambassadors for Christ is not just limited to people who are pastors or prophets, but we also as followers of Christ are also ambassadors for Him. This is basically presenting the fulness of the life of Christ and His Power to the world by the gospel. The extent to which we permit Christ in our lives is the extent to which our lives can present and represent Him.     The world is always looking out whether directly or indirectly, to see if truly we live by our claim. I'm pointing down to the fact that, at any basic level we


  MENTORING DAY 25/30  TOPIC: OBEDIENCE; PERFECTING FAITH  TEXT: Genesis 12:1-2; Now the LORD had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from they kindred, and from thy father's house, unto a land that I will shew thee. And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing.   Glory to God, Alleluia!. The gift of another day is a blessing we can only and will forever thank God for, He is the giver of life. Another privilege to look into His Word and hear what He has to say to us. I pray that our eyes are opened, our understanding enlightened and our lives are transformed in Jesus name. Amen.  Briefly we'll talk about OBEDIENCE; PERFECTING OUR FAITH. Just as disobedience is disobedience, delayed obedience is also disobedience. We pray that the mind of obedience that Jesus had rests on us. I'll talk about two categories of obedience as in perfecting our Faith. The first is just as in our text; God said t


MENTORING DAY 24/30   TOPIC: PREVAILING FAITH AND PREVAILING PRAYER TEXTS:  James 1:6-7; But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed. For let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord. James 4:3; Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss, that ye may consume it upon your lusts. James 5:16b; .... The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.     Praise God family!. We thank the Lord for His continual abiding presence and His mercy over our lives. His name be glorified forever. Amen.       Yesterday, we talked about FAITH as our capacity to receive from God. But as the Holy Spirit will have it, we'll be talking about prevailing faith and prevailing prayer. I pray that the Holy Spirit blesses us with opened eyes and understanding. Amen.     So many people might have wondered why they have not seen results concerning some aspects of their lives despite their faith in


  MENTORING DAY 23/30  TOPIC: FAITH; YOUR CAPACITY TO RECEIVE FROM GOD  TEXT: Mark 11:22; And Jesus answering saith unto them, Have FAITH in GOD.  It's a wonderful morning again, all by the grace of God. Glory to God!, Amen. So with an heart to receive we pray that God enlightens the eyes of our understanding and pour out faith on us by His Spirit in Jesus name, Amen.  Faith, which is what we're going to be considering today is a very important grace that we must trust God for. We're looking into FAITH as our capacity to receiving from God. Faith is a clear conviction and a sound mindset of the person and power of God based on spiritual wisdom, revelation, knowledge and understanding of the Word. We must always and at all point contend to know God, to understand His ways, and put our total trust in Him. The Bible makes us know that without Faith, it is impossible to please God.  As either young, growing or mature believers, Faith mustn't be lacking in us. This is our ca


  MENTORING DAY 22/30  TOPIC: PEACE FOR THE JOURNEY  TEXT: John 16:33; "These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.     Praises be to our God, The Almighty who rides upon the wings of the wind, The Faithful one who has given us the privilege of another day. We're glad and we rejoice in the Lord. Amen!.    Today, I bring words of comfort to someone by the Holy Ghost, and I pray that He shines on our heart and load us with true peace. Amen.    For whatever reasons, so many people have ascribed or tied their peace to situations around. The sinusoidal wave and unstable tide of life have cheated and robbed so many of true peace, but I believe the Lord God Almighty is enlightening our understanding and delivering us today. Amen.    As we continue, I want to impress the fact that peace is a state of restfulness not irresponsibility. External factors might and can be capab


  A DIVINE CHARGE:             Praise God, Amen. It's a beautiful day, the day that the Lord has made, another day to rejoice in the Lord, another day to have hope, another day to set goals, another day to correct and make things right, another day to make decisions. Alleluia!.   MY VISION:             So I was praying at a particular time, and I saw this sunset in the background, like a brownish-orange sky and the sun in almost the same color, which anyone could predict by sight that the sun was setting and night was fast approaching. The sunset was at the background and I saw a cross ahead , and oh! at the instant I got the interpretation/revelation to this vision.    THE INTERPRETATION:             As in the vision of the sun setting, the day is gradually and rapidly closing, the day of The Lord Jesus is near, but souls are still either wallowing in sin or not aligned in God's way. The Cross I saw, is a sign that salvation is still readily available for as many. The Lord in