TEXT: Genesis 12:1-2; Now the LORD had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from they kindred, and from thy father's house, unto a land that I will shew thee. And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing. 

 Glory to God, Alleluia!. The gift of another day is a blessing we can only and will forever thank God for, He is the giver of life. Another privilege to look into His Word and hear what He has to say to us. I pray that our eyes are opened, our understanding enlightened and our lives are transformed in Jesus name. Amen.

 Briefly we'll talk about OBEDIENCE; PERFECTING OUR FAITH. Just as disobedience is disobedience, delayed obedience is also disobedience. We pray that the mind of obedience that Jesus had rests on us. I'll talk about two categories of obedience as in perfecting our Faith. The first is just as in our text; God said to Abram to go out of his country to a place where He'll show him, then He told Abram how He was going to bless Him. Now, on our roads to destiny, the Lord might give us instructions accompanied with promises of blessings and the blueprint of the future; the determinant of our Faith/ trust in God as regards our tomorrow is our OBEDIENCE. The instance of disobeying His instructions is a proof that we do not have faith in God.

 Secondly, at the point where we trust the Lord for certain things or answers, let us be attentive to the voice of the Lord(those little nuggets or instructions from the Holy Spirit). Our answers may come as instructions. The manifestations to prove that we have answers from God, lies on the mercy of our obedience to His instructions. Our faith in God concerning those things is also perfected by our OBEDIENCE.

 Lastly; The Scriptures contains the Word of the Lord and instructions for our lives. As we do well to study the Word, let us also be the doer of the Word. Faith in God by His Word is perfected by our obedience!!!.

I pray that the grace for attentiveness and obedience to God rests on us in Jesus name. Amen.
