James 1:6-7; But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed. For let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord.

James 4:3; Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss, that ye may consume it upon your lusts.

James 5:16b; ....The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.

    Praise God family!. We thank the Lord for His continual abiding presence and His mercy over our lives. His name be glorified forever. Amen.

    Yesterday, we talked about FAITH as our capacity to receive from God. But as the Holy Spirit will have it, we'll be talking about prevailing faith and prevailing prayer. I pray that the Holy Spirit blesses us with opened eyes and understanding. Amen. 

   So many people might have wondered why they have not seen results concerning some aspects of their lives despite their faith in God or their prayers, I pray the Holy Ghost answers you this morning. I believe you have read the texts, if not please do. 

   In the journey to receive from God, listening and also being attentive to God is very important. In some earlier verse of our text, we had first learnt that the trying of faith worketh patience, this should also establish in us that patience is as well important. Sticking to our texts, the first thing we'll talk about that connects to patience is that, a faith that prevails is an unwavering, unshaking and unbending faith. The Bible makes us know that if our faith becomes shaky and tossed, there is no room to receive. This first admonishment is this; When you start out to receive from God, don't let doubt weary you and toss your faith, believe God no matter how long. Your answer is here.

  Talking about prevailing prayer; I'll like to let us understand that complaining or questioning God isn't prayer. Check your prayer and see if this is where the fault lies. Secondly from our text, we see that if it happens you don't receive even after asking, check your motive!. If we ask from God out of an ungodly desire to gratify the flesh, we won't receive. Once again, Check and change your motive. It might also happen that God in the course of our prayers might have started working on our motive, to first change us, then bless us. Don't get tired, keep praying.

  From our last text; a prayer that will move the hand of the Father should and must first touch your heart. An heartfelt and fervent prayer of a righteous man will and will always produce results.

DECLARATION: I speak over your lives in the name of Jesus, that by the mercy of God and as we join our faith together, that all things due for manifestation that is being hindered is made released by our transformation in Jesus name. Everything you have been expecting in Faith and fervent prayers is done and settled this morning by the revelation of His faithfulness in Jesus name. 

Amen and Alleluia. Shalom to you saints. Share your testimonies to 09018284057.
