TEXT: 2 Corinthians 5:20; Now then we are ambassadors for Christ; as though God did beseech you by us: we pray you in Christ's stead, be ye reconciled to God.

  Praises to God Almighty who alone is now and forever worthy to be praised. Amen.

  I pray that the Holy Ghost works on us and broods on our heart to the end that we are transformed and become useful tools in His hands for His glory. Amen.

  Being ambassadors for Christ is not just limited to people who are pastors or prophets, but we also as followers of Christ are also ambassadors for Him. This is basically presenting the fulness of the life of Christ and His Power to the world by the gospel. The extent to which we permit Christ in our lives is the extent to which our lives can present and represent Him. 

   The world is always looking out whether directly or indirectly, to see if truly we live by our claim. I'm pointing down to the fact that, at any basic level we are currently in Christ, we ought to present Christ to the world, not in pretense or hypocrisy, but in truth and by the power of the Holy Spirit in all fruits, virtues and gifts of the Spirit. Let others see Christ in you is also another way of saying be truthful ambassadors for Christ. 

At any place we are privileged to be, at any time, let us have in consciousness that we are ministers/ambassadors for Christ. This should also make us hunger and contend for growth and transformation to make us better ambassadors for Christ. The Lord gives us understanding in all things, God's grace be with us all, Amen. 
