TEXT: Mark 11:22; And Jesus answering saith unto them, Have FAITH in GOD.

 It's a wonderful morning again, all by the grace of God. Glory to God!, Amen. So with an heart to receive we pray that God enlightens the eyes of our understanding and pour out faith on us by His Spirit in Jesus name, Amen.

 Faith, which is what we're going to be considering today is a very important grace that we must trust God for. We're looking into FAITH as our capacity to receiving from God. Faith is a clear conviction and a sound mindset of the person and power of God based on spiritual wisdom, revelation, knowledge and understanding of the Word. We must always and at all point contend to know God, to understand His ways, and put our total trust in Him. The Bible makes us know that without Faith, it is impossible to please God.

 As either young, growing or mature believers, Faith mustn't be lacking in us. This is our capacity to receiving from God. We also should know that faith comes by hearing of the Word. Until we have our mind renewed to who God is and His ability by the Word, we wouldn't know how to trust Him. This is why spiritual illumination is highly needed for a believer, to see the word, understand and truly know God. Let us endeavor to study the Word with fervent, heartfelt, desirous prayers as we trust God to lighten our understanding. We'll see ourselves growing in Faith, grounded and rooted in God by the Holy Ghost. The Holy Ghost is the Spirit of Faith, as we do thus, we're releasing ourselves to Him, then He does the work.

 If we believe, nothing shall be impossible unto us. YES! WITH GOD, ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE. Sincere, true and unwavering Faith in God is how we can receive from God, since all things are possible with Him, the if we believe Him, all things also becomes possible for us. Obedience is also very important in the journey to receive from God. He can give us instructions. Results are definite when we obey. I pray that God breathes on His Word in our hearts and gives us Understanding, Amen.

By the Holy Ghost, I pray that God pours out heavy dose of Faith on us and I declare as I join my faith with you, that whatsoever is looking so big like a mountain in your life, as we believe God this morning, they are gone forever!!! Amen ad Alleluia.

Just worship God and don't forget to send your testimonies to 09018284057 either on whatsapp or as text. Thank You and God bless.
