TEXT: John 16:33; "These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.

    Praises be to our God, The Almighty who rides upon the wings of the wind, The Faithful one who has given us the privilege of another day. We're glad and we rejoice in the Lord. Amen!.

   Today, I bring words of comfort to someone by the Holy Ghost, and I pray that He shines on our heart and load us with true peace. Amen. 

  For whatever reasons, so many people have ascribed or tied their peace to situations around. The sinusoidal wave and unstable tide of life have cheated and robbed so many of true peace, but I believe the Lord God Almighty is enlightening our understanding and delivering us today. Amen. 

  As we continue, I want to impress the fact that peace is a state of restfulness not irresponsibility. External factors might and can be capable of making happy or unhappy, but if the peace of God is absent, my dear brothers and sisters, I tell you, all is wrong. This topic is so wide that letters might not truly and fully capture all that you might need or want to see, but I trust the Holy Ghost to impress on you the true definition and supply of peace in Jesus name. Amen. 

  Having money or materialistic things is not and should not be our definition of peace, there are so many persons that have these things but are still robbed of peace for whatever reason. According to the Bible, Jesus, the Prince of peace told us, in our text, there will be tribulations in the world, situations that is capable of making the natural and ignorant man sorrowful, but the truth and fact that you have me will be PEACE to you. In Christ Jesus only is true peace found. Our worries will only replace peace and kill us faster, let us draw closer to Jesus, make a decision for intimate relationship with Him, cast all our cares on Him and watch wonders happen in our lives. 

Lastly, the manifestation of the reality of dominion that Jesus has given us over the world, over situations, over tribulations is needed so that our Joy may be full. And so, I bring to you by the Holy Ghost according to the Word of the Lord in II Thessalonians 3:16; NOW the Lord of Peace himself give you peace always by all means. The Lord be with you all.

