TEXT: I John 4:7-8; Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God, He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love.

 Glory be to God Almighty for the grace to continue in this mentorship series, and I pray that His unfailing grace at work and His transforming power will do wonders in your life in Jesus name. Amen.

 By the mercies of God, we are taking on a series being Christ-like, and the first subject we are going to be considering is LOVE. There are basic points that you should note as we go on in this study.


                From our text, we see clearly and simply that God is love, and one proof among so many is this; while we were yet sinners Christ died for us. Knowing that Jesus came to manifest the love of God toward us gives us a strong confidence at any point in time that truly God is love. Also from the scriptures we know that Jesus Christ is the express image of the Father, representing who the Father is. Jesus, during His time on earth, showed practical love to the people in compassion for and healing of the sick, feeding the multitudes, preaching and even His death on the cross.


                Having a proper understanding of love is important so we do not deceive ourselves or ignorantly miss things out. First, love is not just a mouth word, it is practical. Secondly, love is not lust. Love is the nature of God that is seen in Christ Jesus, which should be emulated and reciprocated with all humility, sincerity and purity in and through the life of a believer. Love is kind, patient, love is not proud, love is not envious, love keeps no record of being wronged and many more as you can check in I Corinthians 13:1-8. Now being practical in this teaching; it is the Lord's command and our duty that we love one another; yes it is!. If someone tries to offend you, the proper nature of love of God that ought to be manifested in and through you is longsuffering(much patience). If we check ourselves and our day to day lives and find out that this nature of love isn't there, then we need to go back to God, pray in this nature and give exercise in manifesting them. Let us be sincere and real in our lives.

Lastly, it is proof of your knowledge of God to manifest who He is, revealing Jesus Christ to the World. The only way Christ can be seen in you is until there is a manifestation of the nature and character of Christ formed in you . As you get more understanding by the Holy Ghost, renew your mind to these truths, pray earnestly as you trust the Holy Ghost to transform your life to be like Christ. Live a life of love today even as Christ our Lord and savior has loved us and lived an exemplary life of love. God bless you.
