Text: Romans 14:5-13 KJV

 Key Verse: Romans 14:12 KJV; So then every one of us shall give account of himself to God.

   Glory and Worship to the eternal, invisible, immortal and only wise God who reigns on high forever. Amen.
   As the close of the day draws nearer than we can imagine, how do you live your life now knowing that when you finally stand before your maker you have to and must give account of yourself. All men and women, both small and great, will give account of the life they lived on earth, whether it was pleasing in the sight of the Father or the otherwise. It's still your choice to make now, accept Jesus, so that all your former account of sin can be destroyed and a new page is opened on your behalf. If the Spirit of God bears you witness that you're in Christ and a child of God, remain steadfast, and do more for God. Your account on earth will determine your eternity whether in Heaven or in hell. 

Tell God to blot out your iniquities with the precious blood of Jesus and erase every account of sin or evil. Ask for His help to live a God-glorifying life. Amen.
