Text: I Kings 18:41-46 KJV

Key Verse: I Kings 18:46 KJV; And the hand of the LORD was on Elijah; and He girded up His loins, and ran before Ahab to the entrance of Jezreel.

If you know our God is 'Olowogbogboro', say Alleluia. Amen. The Holy Spirit is willing to touch you and transform you, allow Him. The Hand of the Lord works either against the wicked or for the righteous. In our text, we saw that Ahab had already began to go to Jezreel, even with a chariot. Meanwhile, the man of God, Elijah, had no chariot for himself. But suddenly, when the Hand of the LORD came upon him, he moved faster on foot than Ahab on a chariot, and it was recorded that he ran before Ahab to the entrance of Jezreel. This is the Hand of the Lord for divine speed that even human knowledge cannot phantom. What journey are you just starting when it seems everyone has gone ahead of you?, What have you lost? is it years(time wasted), resources or whatever, our God is capable of restoring them back to you. Key into Him with the whole of your heart, and trust Him.

Pray and tell God to put His hand upon you to command strange possibilities to show forth in your life.
