Text: Romans 8:5-10 KJV

  Key Verse: Romans 8:8 KJV; So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God.

 Pleasing God is our ultimate goal and should be our ultimate goal as sojourners on earth. In all aspect of our life, doing is will is the right thing to do, not leaving any part out. He created us, and He owns us, we should therefore live for Him. Some people might find it difficult to please Him or some people are sinners and think their works are pleasing unto Him; The Bible made us know that those that live in and according to the flesh cannot please God. Salvation and Faith in God, are one of the keys to pleasing Him. With the Spirit of God and His leading, pleasing God is made easier. In everything we do, we should ask ourselves; is it pleasing unto God? All our ways must please Him, glorify Him and be to His glory. Proverbs 16:7 KJV says When a man's ways please the LORD, He maketh even his enemies to be at peace with Him. This is one among many benefits of pleasing God. Remember, being in the flesh doesn't give room to please God. First, repent and be converted, turn away from your sins, and hence, you can and should please God

Pray and tell God to deliver you from the desires, lust, leading and power of the flesh, and give you the grace to please Him in all your ways and in all you do.
