Text: Matthew 3:7-12 KJV.

 Key Verse: Matthew 3:8 KJV; Bring therefore fruits meet for repentance

Alleluia someone!. Amen. Silently say 'Holy Spirit, please minister to my soul'. In the gospel according to St. John, fifteenth chapter, Jesus talked about us not being able to bear fruit of ourselves, just as the branch cannot bear fruit on its own except it abides in the vine. Fruits meet for repentance is only manifested through Christ and in Christ, when one has taken the steps for salvation; that is, when one has repented of his/her sins. Its a new life experience in such sense that the unpleasing things to God that you did before you do not do them again, but you in place of those things do the right and acceptable in the sight of God. Please carefully take note; observing the law without repenting and turning to God through Christ Jesus is vain. Also, being saved by grace and through faith in Christ doesn't now give us the liberty to nullify the law, but that through this saving grace the Law is established and upheld. Let us Glorify God through our lives today, and take a turn to manifest righteousness.

[If  you're not saved, confess your sins to Jesus, say Lord I believe you died for me and resurrected on the third day after your burial, plead His precious blood to wash away your sins], pray and ask for grace to abide in Him, produce and manifest fruits meet for repentance.  
