Text: John 14:1-7 KJV

 Key Verse: John 14:6 KJV; Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. 

A way is a path you thread on, hoping you will get to your appropriate destination. But The Way; is the only sure and secure way of reaching your destination. Jesus is the final and true revelation of the Father, came in the form of flesh to the earth; and on His stay on earth, He told us how to reach the Father, commune with Him, ask and receive of Him. He made us know that He is the only way to God, no man can come to the Father, except through Jesus Christ. If we don't have Jesus and pass through Him, getting to the Father will forever be in vain. Jesus also revealed that He is the truth; the truth that sets free. And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. If Jesus is that truth, and we know Him and believe on Him, He'll set us free. Free from sin, from all sickness, evil spirits and demonic attacks, including everything that is not of Him that has held us in bondage. Anyone that the son sets free shall be free indeed. Jesus is also the Life. He offered and gave Himself up for us, that whosever believeth on Him shall not die, but have EVERLASTING LIFE. All we need and find is in Jesus; Victory is ours through Him only. Accept Him today!!!.  

In your corner there, say Lord Jesus, I believe you are the way, the truth and the Life; have mercy on my soul, redeem me as I come to you. Confess your sins and ask for cleansing, He'll wash you and make you whole. Alleluia!!, now you can go the Father anytime, any day; THROUGH JESUS.
