Text: John 10:11-18 KJV

 Key Verse: John 10:11; I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth His life for the sheep.

 As every sheep should have a shepherd; we have Jesus, because He is not just a shepherd, but a good shepherd. From our key verse, we see a good shepherd gives His life for the sheep, and therefore, they are safe. The bible also makes us know that The Lord is our Shepherd, hence, we shall not want or lack any good thing. Jesus our good shepherd has died for us His sheep, that we may have life and have it more abundantly. There are many more benefits and covenant for being His sheep, but the question is; are we in the fold?, have we left the covenant of protection and life?. The good shepherd knows His sheep and His sheep knows Him. Jesus further made us know characteristics of His true sheep. He said in John 10:27 KJV: My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me. If we don't follow after the shepherd and are stubborn to his voice, then we are not He's. If we have gone astray, or we have been a stubborn sheep, let us make a U-turn and come back to the good shepherd, that he may give us eternal life.

 In a sober mind, make confession of your deeds to Jesus the good shepherd, tell him you're making a change today. Ask for cleansing through His blood which He lay down for the sheep. He'll give you eternal life. Amen.
