Text: I Corinthians 10:31-33 KJV

 Key Verse: I Corinthians 10:31 KJV; Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.

I bless God for His grace for us to live by His Word daily. I pray that the Holy Spirit of God brings these words of Christ to our remembrance, and guide every of our steps. Amen. Living is and must not be for ourselves, but for God and to His Glory. Some issues and matters might be so tiny that we just want to have our way, or we might be at crossroads and it looks life-determining, I tell you that God determines our life {and not any situation}if you have totally given it to Him. Let's talk about Beatrice, who has been without job for quite a while and is called for an interview, finally set to resume. A few days at work, she is told to sign papers falsely, oh! yes, she is in the position to do so, but the question pops up: does this untruthfulness glorify God?, obviously NO. Beatrice is forced to drop her resignation letter if she doesn't compromise. She did that and might not be happy she doesn't have a job, but God is happy since she has decided to glorify Him despite her needs and situation. God is a faithful, and will not watch her jobless. No matter how tough the situation is or no matter how tiny it may be; in all manner of conversation, in eating and drinking, in our behavior, the way we act and react, Let's always strive to glorify GOD in all we do and do all to His glory

Pray to God and ask for grace, courage and strength to glorify Him in all we do. He'll give us abundantly in Jesus name. Amen.
