Text: Matthew 19:16-26 KJV

 Key Verse: Matthew 19:26 KJV; But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible.

We bless the Lord for His mercies; they are new every morning and they endure for ever. Wherever you're seeing this, shout Alleluia!. Amen. Jesus has made us know that the things which are impossible with men are possible with the Father. There is no impossibility with the Almighty. We should encourage and build up our Faith with these words, knowing fully that the same Christ whom we have given our life to, is able to do all and even more than we ask or think. It is important that our requests and petitions are according to His will so as to get answers from Him. What is that thing that looks so impossible?, we've been looking at it from man's perspective, now lets look at it from the ability of God. Are they still impossible?, NO. Let's press further in our Faith, fully persuaded that YAH is the GOD OF ALL POSSIBLITIES, He is faithful and nothing is impossible with Him. Amen.

Worship the Almighty for His power, and because nothing is impossible with Him. In truthfulness of heart and with consecration to Him, make your requests and supplication according to His will. Expect the manifestations of your request because He has done it. Amen.
