Text: Proverbs 9:9-12 KJV

 Key Verse: Proverbs 9:10 KJV; The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the Holy is understanding

 YAHWEH is our God; His name be praised forever. It's a beautiful day again and we are here to learn, I pray the Holy Spirit speaks to us, shine light on our dark areas, and transform our life, that we may be acceptable in the sight of the Father. Amen. When it is said to fear the Lord, the Bible really extensively talks about it, because this is how we reverence the Father and this is one of our keys to assured life. To fear the Lord in summary is to depart from evil and do only pleasing things in His sight. In all we do, the fear of God will restrict us from certain lines we should not cross, keep us abided in Him and His words. There are blessings for the righteous that fear God; our key verse made us know this is the beginning of wisdom. The fear of the Lord according to scriptures prolongs days, gives room for divine protection and brings provision; there is no want to them that fear HIM . I'll admonish us that we go to the scriptures to study more about the fear of God, trusting the Holy Spirit to help us. This is just a very brief summary on this topic, as it is so wide that we might spend a number of series trying to study it. But in all, let us all Fear God and depart from anything called sinful and evil.

Pray and tell God to have mercy on you, forgive you for the past, save you and help you to have His fear deep in you. Amen.
