Text: Acts 2:38-47 KJV

 Key Verse: Acts 2:42 KJV; And they continued steadfastly in the apostles' doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers.

Alleluia!. We thank God for the salvation of our souls, Jesus be glorified, Amen. Be calm and let the Holy spirit speak to you, He's willing to help us. Our Salvation doesn't just end at repentance, although this is the first vital step in our walk with Christ. Continuing is Christ is very paramount; this is why we need the Holy Spirit, grace, strength and mercy. How do we continue?, STEADFASTLY, renewing our strength in prayers, not forsaking fellowship first with God and second with the children of God. When we do this, we allow God in our lives, abound more and more, so much that other souls come to Christ. There should be no excuse for not being steadfast. Without God we can do nothing, He's our help and stay. Let's seek Him.

Pray and ask God to give you the grace to be steadfast and unmovable, to abound more and more. Amen.
