Text: Acts 4:7-12 KJV

 Key Verse: Acts 4:12 KJV; Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.

 Although so many of us have lived as Christians with fear even until now, not because we don't know the power in the name of Jesus, but because our Faith in this name isn't strong. Therefore, through the help of the Holy Spirit, and fresh supply from Heaven, things will turn round. Amen. SALVATION cannot and will never be found in any other nameexcept the name of JESUSIt is by this name all men must be saved. Hence, to get victory through this name, the first step is salvation through His name. Are you saved?, do you desire victory?. Lastly, situations of life might try to come, and then they don't get a chance because you have been renewed. Then they decide to ask; BY WHAT NAME have you overcome us?, there are no two answers: The name of JESUS CHRIST. A strong, persuaded faith in His name amplifies the power and efficacy of this name to our daily lives. 

Pray and say Lord Jesus, I believe in you, true salvation is only found in you, have mercy on me and save me. Ask for a fresh supply of strong Faith in His name. He'll rain it. Now declare you are victorious and go conquering. Amen. 
