Text: I John 1:5-10 KJV

 Key Verse: I John 1:7 KJV; But if we walk in the light, as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His son cleanseth us from all sin

First we pray that our eyes are opened, we receive sight, understanding, and our lives are transformed by the Holy Spirit through this word, Amen. Let's take a deep breath in and out. Now imagine a dark room; where no one can see the next person, or no one can see what he's about to stumble on, and then suddenly, a bright light shines inside that room; darkness also suddenly disappears, it doesn't say "oh this is light, I'll be on my way out in about a minute time", no it doesn't, it disappears immediately. Same way we should know, God is Light; and there is no form of darkness in and around Him. So if we say we walk in God, and we're in Him, then our works should be made manifest. This calls for transparency and holiness. But if we say we are in Him, and walk in darkness, then we lie, and do not the truth. To be in the Light and to be in fellowship with the Father requires our acknowledgement, willingness, and our consecration. If we confess our sins, He is also willing, faithful, and just to forgive us and cleanse us from all unrighteousness through the blood of Jesus; shed for me, you and the whole world, on that cross at Calvary. Come to Him today, walk in the Light, remain in fellowship with the Father, don't look out to the darkness you were once delivered from. He's going to cleanse, preserve, help, and sustain us in Jesus name. Amen.

Pray to God, get reconciled with Him, confess your sins; ask for cleansing, tell Him how weak you are, ask for strength. Ask for grace to remain in His Light and not look back, He will give you abundantly. Amen.
