Text: Romans 8:12-16 KJV

Key Verse: Romans 8:15 KJV; For we have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father

Fear has it's cunny way of taking place in us if we are not careful, watchful, and prayerful, or if we are ignorant of God's word. But I trust that the Holy Spirit will give us a strong affirmation of sonship against fear, Amen. Once we are in Christ, and live not according to the desires of the flesh, the Spirit of God guides us, if we are willing, to mind the things of the Spirit. For as many as are led by this Spirit of God, they are sons of God. Sons and daughters have the benefits of crying to the Father in time of trouble or need, hence; the Bible has made known to us from our key verse that the Spirit which we have received is not of bondage to fear, but That of adoption, so we can call on Abba, Father. Are you in a condition without Hope?, You're God's own, fear not, just cry to Him, He'll deliver you. Amen.

As sons and daughters, cry to the Father and ask all you need,
Through prayer, in Jesus name, come against the spirit of fear and pray in The Spirit of God.
