Text: Romans 6:1-23 KJV 

Key Verse: Romans 6:6,18 NIV; For we know this that our old self was crucified with Him so that the body ruled by sin might be done away with, that we should no longer be slaves to sin. vs18: You have been set free from sin and have become slaves to righteousness.

Alleluia!, Amen. This is our breakthrough from sin and its lusts. The Word  of God has been, is and will remain forevermore. This is our manual through the help of The Holy Spirit and we should trust Him to guide us through, and teach us the Word of God. The Bible makes us know that when we become crucified with Christ, our old self, ways and desires has been crucified with Him. Being crucified with Christ, is to turn away from the works of Sin; by coming to the Risen Christ who died, was buried and was raised to the Glory of the Father, believing and confessing. Yes He is Lord of all, highly exalted by the Father, He died for our sakes that he might destroy the works of the devil, which is mainly sin. After all this process, we need to constantly remind ourselves with fervent prayers, that we are no longer slaves to sin, that we have been crucified with Christ, knowing that we have been set free and are now slaves to Righteousness to the glory of the Father. For sin shall not have dominion over us, because we are under GRACE. Amen!.

Pray and tell God you believe in Him, that he should set you totally free from the works of sin and make you alive to Him to righteousness that God be Glorified. Amen.
