Text: Romans 12:1-3 KJV,

  Key Verse: Romans 12:1 KJV; I beseech you therefore, brethren by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.

        Living sacrifices, as the topic implies simply means offerings that are dead to sin, but alive to Christ.  Being dead to sin is a word that critically requires us to have forsaken our old ways and are now transformed, Alive to Christ is shown in us; after we have been transformed by death to sinful ways through Jesus Christ, into His grace that makes us new. God wants us to present our bodies a Living Sacrifice, a body no longer slave to sin or instruments of unrighteousness, but one thoroughly furnished, and is presented righteous unto Him at all times, not forgetting our body is His temple and should be kept clean from sin, undefiled. Let's also remember this; Holiness unto God is a way we show our newness and transformation, by this our Spirit bears us witness that we are acceptable. The Bible says this is our reasonable service. Is your body a living sacrifice?.

I'll like you to pray, and if you have defiled His temple, confess to Him. Tell Him you're sorry, ask for cleansing; He'll do that. After this pray for grace to keep presenting your body as instruments of righteousness. Also; study the Word and stay close to Him. The grace of God be with us all. Amen.   
