Text: Matthew 5:13-16 KJV

Key Verse: Matthew 5:14,16 KJV; Ye are the Light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid. vs16 Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is heaven

The Holy Spirit illuminates us and shines light on this Word of Life in our lives to the Glory of the Father. Amen. Before a light shines, there has to be a light, and there cannot be a light except one be lightened, do you agree with this?. So who can Lighten us and how?. We become light by following Jesus Christ. You cannot be His follower except by submitting to and Loving Him knowing that He first Loved us. After becoming a Light, we shouldn't just sit at having this Light. Jesus commands that we should so shine before men, showing them the way to the giver of Light, that The Father be glorified through our works. Don't dim your light, seek Him and draw closer to Him to get more light and also shine more to Glorify God. 

Pray to God and tell the Holy Spirit to lead you to the true giver of Light to men, that He may give you and/or brighten your dimmed light, that you may so shine in this world to Glorify God. Amen.  
