Text: Ephesians 5:1-6 KJV

 Key Verse: Ephesians 5:1 KJV; Be ye therefore followers of God, as dear children.

 We cannot cease to remind ourselves of the proper conduct to code in as believers, and as children of God in this world. I pray that the Holy Spirit opens our spiritual eyes of understanding to the Word of God. Amen. With all the evil and atrocities here and there; firmly as CHRISTians, our hope and standard should remain the Word of God. The Bible commends us to be followers of God, not as stubborn or as sin-wanting followers, but as dear Children. How do we follow God as dear Children?. As Christ has loved us and gave Himself for us, we are admonished to love one another. Not to lust like the present evil world do, but to be like Christ in all manner of dispensation of Love, wholeheartedly. Again; as saints, we are seriously warned that fornication, uncleanness, covetousness, filthiness, foolish talking, coarse jesting, shouldn't be once named among us, but rather, giving of thanks. Knowing that no one with any of this evil character, will have any inheritance or part in the Kingdom of Christ and of God. Brothers and sisters, be not deceived. And if we have been deceived; let us come to Christ. Judgement is coming upon the Children of disobedience.

Pray and tell God that His precious Holy Spirit guides you, and give you the Spirit of Obedience, not to be fashioned after this world, but to be dear followers of God. 
