Good morning blessed of God. It's a privilege to study God's word again, I pray that as we give attention to this study, our lives becomes fruitful and our prayers be answered. Whoever is going to make impact in this world, or whoever wants to live in this world and conquer must not neglect the value of the Word and obviously prayer. First, I'll encourage us by saying; if we are truly born again, we have a God that answers prayers. Psalm 65:2 KJV; O Thou that hearest prayer, unto Thee shall all flesh come. The secret place says a lot about how healthy our lives are. The healthier our secret place, the greater the results we produce. As the Bible commands us in Luke 18:1 KJV: And he spake parable unto them to this end, that men ought always to pray, and not to faint;. Yes this He said unto us, knowing that through prayer as believers, we have answers and victory, Matthew 21:22 KJV says And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive. Jesus tells us more reason why we need to pray, and one of the reasons is to pray that we enter not into temptation. He also further shows Himself as an example for us in Mark 1:35 KJV; And in the morning, rising up a great while before day, he went out, and departed into a solitary place, and there prayed. There's a lot of passage in the Bible that admonish us to pray and tells us the result of praying. Some few examples are Paul and Silas; who when they prayed and sang they were free from prison chains. Peter; after he was taken by Herod, and was set to be killed, prayers were made for him by the church without ceasing and the angel of the LORD went forth and delivered him. God truly answers prayers, if we pray effectively and fervently with a pure heart filled with faith. Now effectual prayer is effective prayer, a prayer that commands results, James 5:16b KJV says The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. God does not regard the prayer of sinners {Psalm 66:18 KJV}, let's know this to prevent much talking that doesn't pass our roof. He says it is an abomination to Him. Have you been wasting a lot of time and energy praying as a sinner?! Your prayers can finally be answered!, if you repent and come to Jesus Christ today. How do we pray effectively?, The Bible says we should enter His gates with Thanksgiving. God loves and inhabits praise and worship, and it is wise to do this with all of our heart. Secondly, when we pray, with what motive do we make supplication?, does it give a room for kingdom purpose?, is it according to His will?. If all these requirements are met, then our prayer is effective and is set to be answered. We must also exercise patience and consistency in prayer. Not forgetting to pray in the Holy Ghost. I pray that the Holy Spirit helps us and teach us how to pray better. Amen!. 


Lord Jesus, have mercy on me and help my prayer life.

Increase my faith, O Lord and give me answers to prayers.


You're made stronger in Christ Jesus.

The secret to effective prayer life lands on you, Amen.
